function you want to curried.
number of arguments it will take
function you want to curried.
number of arguments it will take
function you want to debounce
elapsed time
if immediate is true it invokes at leading end otherwise it invokes at trailing end.for more info please check out this link.
default value if check value is null,undefined or NaN
function that exectues passed function after given time.
function that exectues passed function after given time.
a function that takes arguments for both of the function.
a function that takes arguments for both of the function.
wrapper around Number.isFinite()
function you want to throttle.
throttling time
if immediate is true it invokes at leading end otherwise it invokes at trailing end.for more info please check out this link.
function that takes tuple of array arguments for tryer and catcher.
function that takes tuple of array arguments for tryer and catcher.
new copy of array with function applied at given index
true if predication function returns true for all elements in array otherwise false
true if predication function returns true for any element in array or false
new copy of array with given value at end
return value of the function.
it returns new copy of array without mutating original array
new string or array.
an array that contains values of the first array but does not exist in second array.
shallow copy with removed elements.
new array that does not contain the copy.
shallow copy of the array with removed elements.
original array.
an object which was created from key-value pair of array.
insert element at given index of array and returns new copy of array,also works with partial form.
new copy of array with new elements
new array that has separator between every element.
tuple containing accumulator, and new mapped array.
tuple containing accumulator, and new mapped array.
Takes an array and a predication function and splits the array when predication function reuturns true; also works with partial form.
first n elements an array of from front.
returns a function that takes arguments for list of predication functions.
returns a function that takes arguments for list of predication functions.
new object with all properties of old object and new key,value pair we pass
shallow copy of the object with omitted key.
a function that takes remaining part of object will invoke the function when you call returned function.
a function that takes remaining part of object will invoke the function when you call returned function.
time you want wait for your promise to resolve.(in milisecond.)
value you want return with resolve function.
Promise that resolves in given time.
array you want to filter
filter function
array you want to loop over.
async function want call on every element.
array you want to map.
function that will map the given element to the new element.
function you want call.
optional options object.
Promise you want timeout.
value of timeout in milisecond.
Generated using TypeDoc
always returns false when you call this function.